COVID-19 Update

COVID-19 Update

Our Sunday Services are posted every Sunday at 12:30pm. 
Click HERE to join us online! 

Recent Update

The governor announced Monday July 13th, that certain counties will be required to shut down worship services (along with other industries and activities) unless they can be modified to operate outside. Riverside County falls under this new order. To adhere to the new guidelines, we are holding a Sunday Service outside!

Sunday Service

IN-PERSON WORSHIP SERVICE – Right now, we are having ONE in-person worship service OUTSIDE happening in the church office parking lot (28780 Single Oak Dr.) at 10am! To clarify, this is not a drive-in service, instead, we will be gathering corporately in the church office parking lot for a time of worship and studying the Word of God. The service will be located on the frontside of the church office building. 

Please make sure to still RSVP for our in-person gathering by clicking the link below…

SERVICE ONLINE – At 12:30pm we will be posting our service for those who can not attend the 10:00am service. You can join us on our YouTube channel.  If you are sick, vulnerable, or immunocompromised, we would recommend you choose this option at this point.  Please remember that online giving is available and we’ve given you the ability to submit prayer requests online.  

Even though our circumstances seem to be always changing, we hope you take encouragement in the fact our God is steadfast, never-changing, and faithful! What an incredible God we serve and worship, and we look forward to praising His name together this Sunday! 

Click here to make your reservation for Sunday Morning Worship!

In order to demonstrate love to one another and our community, and to submit to governing authorities, we are taking the following steps for those attending our in-person service:

  • We’re meeting outdoors in the fresh air and sunshine. There is some shade from trees nearby.
  • Masks are available on the back bulletin table–they are not required but are available for you to use when interacting with others if you would like.
  • Chairs will be distanced apart (family units may sit together).
  • We will not be passing an offering basket but will have a box available in the back for offerings or prayer requests.
  • On the first Sunday of the month, individual prewrapped communion elements will be placed on your seat ahead of time.
  • In addition to regular distanced seating, we will also have a “COVID Cautious” seating section for those who are immunocompromised, vulnerable, or protecting a vulnerable person in their family. You can select this seating arrangement in the reservations. In this section, we ask that you wear a mask and the seats will be further distanced apart. Additionally, this section is towards the back of the parking lot so you can exit the service quickly.

Home Groups, Ministries, and Office

Some of our ministries are beginning to meet in-person again.  We expect children’s ministry to fully begin in January.

Please visit our ministry pages to see what ministries are meeting in person and which are continuing to meet on Zoom for the time being. If you have any questions about Home Groups or any other ministries please contact the ministry leader or the church office for more information.

How We’re Responding to Government Restrictions

Here is a video of a mid-week devotional about how we ought to respond to the current restrictions the government is placing upon churches.

Other Resources

During this time, we’d like to encourage you to make use of various resources to grow in your relationship with Christ.

  • Right Now Media – Every member of our church receives a free subscription to Right Now Media. Please use this free video-streaming resource to help you and your children grow in Christ during this time.
  • Recommended Reading – We have several books we recommend available on our website.
  • Dwell App – This Scripture listening app is available for free for a limited time.
  • Other Links are available on our website to valuable ministries.

To stay up-to-date with the latest happenings, we recommend that you subscribe to our weekly email update.

We would like to encourage all of you to see this as an opportunity to be the “hands and feet of Jesus,” in caring for one another and our neighbors in this community.  This is an opportunity to show Christ’s love to a watching world “for it is God who works in you, both to will and to work for his good pleasure” (Philippians 2:13).  Although we are limited in our physical interactions with one another, we can still be intentional and creative in how we care for one another (i.e. offer to do the shopping for our senior saints, elderly neighbors, or stay-at-home moms, be active in prayer on a group chat, etc.). Let’s encourage one another to be “making the best use of the time” (Ephesians 5:16) striking a wise balance between caring for one another and respecting our authorities. 

Let’s join together and “Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you” (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18).

There’s never been a more significant opportunity than now to see God glorified through you, our unity, and His church.  Please feel free to contact Nathanael King (951.970.3626), Jeff Conner (951.970.2993), or Chad Wood (951.216.4046) directly should you have any questions or concerns related to Temecula Hills Christian Fellowship and our response to COVID-19.

Be merciful to me, O God, be merciful to me, for in you my soul takes refuge; in the shadow of your wings I will take refuge, till the storms of destruction pass by. (Ps. 57:1 ESV)

Psalm 57:1