Sunday Morning Children’s Ministry

Mountain Mover Kids Ministry“… if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.” Matthew 17:20 We’re welcoming all elementary-aged kids and younger to join our children’s ministry each Sunday at 10am in our new classes upstairs. |
General Information
Mountain Mover Kids is the children’s ministry department at Temecula Hills Christian Fellowship and includes children from birth through the 5th grade.
Our Mission and Purpose:
The Children’s Ministry at Temecula Hills Christian Fellowship exists to bring glory to God by helping children grow as maturing disciples of Jesus.
Our Objectives:
We partner with parents, family members, children’s ministry volunteers, and the church body in developing transformational children’s ministry and teaching that aims to uphold the following qualities found in Deuteronomy 6:1-9:
Relationships are the foundation of our children’s ministry. Ministry to children begins with the children’s worker’s heart. As they love God, that love flows through them to the children. As they live according to God’s commandments, their example teaches the children.
Teaching should be intertwined with what children experience every day. Model Children’s Workers create an activity that takes learning past a cognitive exercise and into an actual experience. Children need to experience the feelings connected to the objective of the lesson. Within the learning process, talking and hearing are valuable, but experience has a lasting impact.
Bible Truth
Our Children’s Ministry focuses on teaching the Bible to children. The truth of Scripture is effectively taught when the Bible itself is studied, read, and taught to children. We will strive to develop in children deep respect and love for the Word of God.
We will guide children in connecting the Bible’s truth to their everyday lives through small group discussions. Discussing the Bible’s truth and how it may connect to their real life will help children understand the Scripture as more than a story and that it has real-life application to them, individually and personally.
We give children practical opportunities to respond to the Word of God in their everyday life-living as maturing disciples of Jesus. The Word of God should affect what a child does with his or her hands. It should affect how a child thinks with his or her mind. No child should leave church without knowing how he or she can personally respond to the Word of God.
Our Values:
In order to see children grow as maturing disciples of Jesus, the Children’s Ministry at Temecula Hills Christian Fellowship will develop four main characteristics.
Our Children’s Ministry is led by people committed to the importance of ministry to children. One of the distinctive characteristics of Jesus’ life and ministry was the importance He attached to children. As the head of the church, He has placed value and importance on ministry to children. His values and priorities stand in contrast to the mistaken views of the disciples as evidenced in Matthew 19:13-15.
Our Children’s Ministry reaches out to expose non-Christian children to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Taken in context, the parable of the lost sheep is about children. The Father is concerned that no child be lost from a relationship with Him. As a church fellowship, we value reaching out to children in our community who are outside the family of God. In word and deed, the church is called to share the love of Christ with children.
Our Children’s Ministry gives children the tools to live as followers of Christ and become more and more like Jesus. Christianity is not fire insurance that protects us from the wrath of God. The gospel of Jesus Christ is about a new life that is lived with Him and in Him. The “Great Commission” is fulfilled when we help children to live the life that Christ has for them. Therefore, our ministry to children helps children live a life that is pleasing to God. We need to be equipping children to live the Christian life.
Our Children’s Ministry empowers children to minister to others, exercising their God-given gifts. Children are gifted by God for ministry. Exercising their faith in service not only enhances the Kingdom of God, it gives children a greater sense of spiritual vitality. We value providing ministry opportunities for children of all ages.
If you have any questions regarding children’s ministry please reach out to our children’s pastor, Alex Bruda. (
2 Years – 5 Years
Important Information for MMK Parents:
- Please fill out a registration card for your child if you haven’t yet done so.
- Remember, someone must check-in and pick up their children from class.
- No students will be dismissed without a designated pick-up person.
- We strongly recommend a bathroom visit before the class. If children need a bathroom trip you will be paged (using the buzzer you received at check-in)
Children will be split into four basic age level classes:
Crawlers (0-2 Years)
Campers (2-5 Years)
Climbers (Kindergarten-Grade 2)
Conquerors (Grade 3 – 5)
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